GemNi Records & Music Digital Distribution Assets Checklist - Required Information for GemNi Records & Music Digital Catalog
Please fill out in full before returning to
Contact Information
Audio and Cover Image
Paste Share Link (Dropbox, etc.) in cell to the right ==>
-Or send WAV files via email as a compressed zip file
-Also include Cover Art as requested below
3000 x 3000 Pixels
-300 DPI (Dots Per Inch)
-Save as "[Release Title] Cover Image"
-Remember this will be seen on iTunes and Cellphones
-Small text and imagery may not stand out
Basic Release Information
If UPC is unavailable, one will be provided
GemNi Records & Music(GRM) requires at least 30 days to solicit digital retail services and secure placement by target release date GRM cannot guarantee availability by target release date, and accurate and approved release information is required to ensure the fastest possible turnaround -GRM reserves the right to change target release date to meet this 30 day window if necessary to secure the best possible introduction to market
For example, "2020 John Doe Records"
Can be found in the copyright notice on the retail product,
usually following the (P) symbol, or in the case of compilation albums, in the copyright notice for each track
Helps to file on appropriate genre pages
Release Track Listing
List each track title below, then fill in the requested information to the right for each individual track
Track 01
Track Title*
Writer Info (wrote the lyrics): If multiple, separate with slash "/"*
Composer/Producer Info (wrote the music): If multiple, separate with slash "/"*
Publisher Info: If multiple, separate with slash "/"*
Required Information for Featured Placement and Playlist Consideration
^ Paste Release Description text in single cell above ^
-Ideally about 2 – 6 paragraphs
-This information will be used to market the release as a product to Digital Retail Services
-Please include a few paragraphs about the specific release in addition to a paragraph or so about the artist
-Please note that it is not AIMA's responsibility to proof read any text that is provided
-Any grammatical or punctuation errors may be included with outgoing information available to Digital Retail Services and the general public
^ Paste Album Notes text in single cell above ^
-Just like what you would see on the inside cover of the CD
- For example, "Thanks to everyone who contributed to the release including..."
^ Paste Social Media Highlights text in single cell above ^
-Describe any examples of notable achievements with social media posts or interactions
-Include specific numbers or links if possible
^ Paste any additional text in single cell above ^
-(If not already included)
-Upcoming Tour information or performance highlights
-Notable features or collaborations, etc.
Alms. Intl. Music Agency